Everyone's a Syndicate
"Everyone's a Syndicate" is an RSS/Atom CORS proxy & HTML renderer. It provides the bridge for in-browser RSS/Atom feed readers, and has an HTML rendering endpoint if you want to do as little work as possible building an RSS reader.
This is not a new way of doing things, people have done things like this before. Right now, I can't find ones that encourage "community".
Here's a reader for a bunch of cohost users:
And here's another for people involved in the Scottish gamedev scene:
You'll notice some of these are not in normal reverse chronological order. One of the options for ordering posts is "Equal shuffle" which is "show everyone's most recent post first, shuffled together. Then everyone's second most recent post, shuffled. Then everyone's third most recent post, shuffled." and so on. This exists so that not posting frequently isn't a penalty.
That is, if you post 50 times a day, your pal Ahmed posts 5 times a week, and your pal Belle posts 5 times a year, you won't drown out Belle and Ahmed with your posting.
There's still an option for "Newest first"/Reverse chronological, so if you want to just have a Hosepipe.
There's also a few options for CSS injection (or lack thereof) on the client-side. The default is "Copy all stylesheets from the main page and apply them to the iframe". This makes it look like it's in the right place in a lot of the places where you put it, like Bear Blog.
In a time of AI scraping there might not be as many valid RSS feeds when picked up through a data centre hosted proxy, but this is a relatively simple way to enable more social websites, to make it feel like we're less alone on our little website islands.